Introduction to Global Digital Humanities seeks to provide a more ‘global’ window on the field of Digital Humanities (DH) and its associated technologies. Building on other critical approaches to DH (e.g., Postcolonial Digital Humanities, #TransformDH, Global Outlook::Digital Humanities (GO::DH)), it aims to both constructively problematize DH as a field from multiple ‘peripheral’ perspectives and introduce students to some of the technologies they can utilize to make DH more ‘global.’ The ‘global’ in ‘Global DH’ is meant in two senses: we will foreground contributions to and critiques of DH from both the widest possible geographic range and other (digital) communities that are peripheral in the DH field due their linguistic, racial, sexual, or technological particularities. There are no requirements for this course and it does not presuppose that students have any particular background in the DH field. Students interested in theoretical debates within DH, practical applications of DH methods to literary studies, or the purely technical dimensions of DH work (coding, statistics, etc.) are all welcome.
Please contact me if you are interested in reviewing the full syllabus.